Information on the processinog of personal data

Azienda Agricola Arcobaleno di Anita Regenass with registered office in Loc. Piano di Porro snc, 88024 Girifalco CZ, Italy, informs that the data provided by each person, both in the use of this site and in the circumstances specified below, will be processed in the terms described below, which constitute "information" pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 GDPR and Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30.6.2003 (Personal Data Protection Code, hereinafter "Privacy Code").

1. Data controller
The data controller of the data subject to this information is Azienda Agricola Arcobaleno di Anita Regenass with registered office in Loc. Piano di Porro snc, 88024 Girifalco CZ, Italy.

2. Type of personal data processed and purposes of processing
Following the contact form and its purpose, only some personal data necessary to register and provide the requested services will be processed: name, surname and email address.

3. Methods of data processing and storage times
The data referred to in the previous paragraph will be processed - exclusively for management and administrative purposes, in order to meet the explicit requests of the interested parties - both on paper and electronically, and will be stored at Azienda Agricola Arcobaleno Anita Regenass. Personal data will be deleted upon request by sending an email to

4. Obligatory or optional nature of data provision
The provision of data is necessary, and therefore mandatory, in order to provide the services requested by the interested parties: the interested parties are always free not to provide the personal data requested, but in this case it may be impossible for Azienda Agricola Arcobaleno Anita Regenass to provide the service, or in any case to meet the needs of the interested parties.

5. Categories of persons to whom the personal data may be communicated, or who may become aware of them as appointees, data transfer abroad, scope of dissemination of personal data
5.1. Persons in charge of data processing
The personal data referred to in this information notice may come to the knowledge of the employees of Azienda Agricola Anita Regenass, as data processors, each limited to their own competencies and duties and on the basis of the assigned tasks and instructions given, as well as third parties, specifically designated as data processors, of which Azienda Agricola Anita Regenass may use for various services (technical and IT assistance and maintenance, consulting services, and the like).

5.2. Communication (to specific external parties) of data
Farm Anita Regenass, may communicate personal data to other parties only in compliance with any legal obligations.

5.3. Dissemination (to unspecified external parties) of data
Under no circumstances may the personal data covered by this policy be disclosed.

6. Rights of the interested party
At any time the interested party may exercise their rights towards the Data Controller, pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code, or may obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning them and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or updating, or correction. Pursuant to the same article, the interested party also has the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons.

To exercise these rights, or to obtain any other information on the matter, requests should be sent by email to the following address: or by traditional mail to Azienda Agricola Arcobaleno, Anita Regenass, Loc. Piano di Porro snc, 88024 Girifalco CZ.


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